Summary Writing on Selection of Company | SSC | HSC

Write down the summary of the following passages. Give a suitable title to it.

The best way of knowing a man is to know what company he keeps. A thief associates with a thief and a saint with a saint. Righteousness can have not fellowship with unrighteousness. Light have no connection with darkness and a believer with an infidel. Fire and water have a natural affinity to their own kind and a natural aversion for each other. Water is attracted by water and two drops merged together will readily become one but when fire and water meet together they destroy each other. Tigers and deer, serpents and mongooses, lambs and wolves, lions and wheals never voluntarily associate with each other. Light and darkness can never unite. Men of similar tastes and habits unite with each other and become friends. Therefore, a man’s character opinions, taste and temper may be fairly changed by the company he keeps. Birds of the same feather flock together. If a police man is to detect a thief or a felon where will the search for him? He will no doubt search for him among the haunts of wickedness since the police know that a thief can be nowhere but among the thieves. A man can never be happy when he finds himself in the company of those who are not what he is. One should take great care in the choice of one’s companions. Our happiness and misery depend upon this choice. If a good man mixes with those who are bad or wicked, he is sure to lose his character. Whereas if a bad man comes in contact with the good and the virtuous, he will soon be one of them. It should, therefore, by the earnest endeavor of everyone to secure a good company. It is the company on which the structure of a man’s character is built.


Selection of Company 

A man is greatly influenced by the company he keeps. A bad or wicked person becomes good and virtuous in the company of good people. Similarly a good person loses character if he or she keeps bad company. So, we should be very careful about choosing our company.

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